
Gratis of kosteloos?

admin / December 27, 2020

tien twitter tips




Tien tricks bij gebruik van twitter

Work Sans is a typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques

Work Sans is a typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques, such as those by Stephenson Blake, Miller & Richard and Bauerschen Giesserei. The Regular weight and others in the middle of the family are optimised for on-screen text usage at medium-sizes (14px-48px) and can also be used in print design. The fonts closer to the extreme weights are designed more for display use both on the web and in print. Overall, features are simplified and optimised for screen resolutions; for example, diacritic marks are larger than how they would be in print. A version optimised for desktop applications is available from the Work Sans github project page.

The Work Sans project is led by Wei Huang, a type designer from Australia. To contribute, see

Work Sans is a typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques, such as those by Stephenson Blake, Miller & Richard and Bauerschen Giesserei. The Regular weight and others in the middle of the family are optimised for on-screen text usage at medium-sizes (14px-48px) and can also be used in print design. The fonts closer to the extreme weights are designed more for display use both on the web and in print. Overall, features are simplified and optimised for screen resolutions; for example, diacritic marks are larger than how they would be in print. A version optimised for desktop applications is available from the Work Sans github project page.

The Work Sans project is led by Wei Huang, a type designer from Australia. To contribute, see

Work Sans is a typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques, such as those by Stephenson Blake, Miller & Richard and Bauerschen Giesserei. The Regular weight and others in the middle of the family are optimised for on-screen text usage at medium-sizes (14px-48px) and can also be used in print design. The fonts closer to the extreme weights are designed more for display use both on the web and in print. Overall, features are simplified and optimised for screen resolutions; for example, diacritic marks are larger than how they would be in print. A version optimised for desktop applications is available from the Work Sans github project page.

The Work Sans project is led by Wei Huang, a type designer from Australia. To contribute, see



This is Headline!

A   F E W  Q U E S T I O N S 

Waarom doen uw klanten zaken met u?

  • Moeten we nu meer online of toch offline marketing doen ?


  • Sturen we nog fysieke post of doen we alles digitaal?


  • Is online adverteren echt rendabel en hoe zit het met social media ?


  • Zit onze klant te wachten op het zoveelste mailtje met nieuwsberichten ?


  • Hoe bereiken we nieuwe, potentiële klanten?


Welke media moet u gebruiken ?

  • Wat is de belangrijkste drive van uw klanten ?


  • Hoeveel van uw klanten zouden u aanbevelen, zijn uw ambassadeur ?


  • Communiceert u in uw marketing wat u doet of wat u beweegt ?


  • Komt u uw afspraken na of overtreft u klantverwachtingen ?


  • Welk gevoel heeft uw klant eigenlijk bij uw organisatie ?


Welke media moet u gebruiken ?

- Website om te vertellen wat we doen of communiceren met de klant ?

- Hoe houden we continuïteit in onze berichten?

- Hoe actief zijn we op Facebook, Twitter of moeten we ook Instagram gebruiken ?

- Hoe integreren we online met ofline marketingacties ?

- Welke toon slaan we aan als we met de klant communiceren ?



media  marketing  internet

discover your potential

we organize inspiring events

we develop powerful videos 

we involve your customers 

we make websites

we streamline social media

we make powerful presentations

we start succesful campaigns 

we create and sent newsletters

C o n t a c t   u s . . .  h o w   c a n   w e   i n s p i r e   y o u ?

Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

F i n d   u s . . .  i n   U t r e c h t   a n d   B a r n e v e l d

Awkward but social

D I S C O V E R   O U R   C O M P A N Y   I N   T H R E E   S T E P S

... and why we love to inspire customers. We have a passion for marketing and internet.  We like to help the organisations of our clients to become even more successful. Successful in quantity, but also in quality. Better customer satisfaction and more customers become ambassadors. Because if growth comes from the vibe of your existing customers your organisation is really successful.